Friday, March 30, 2007

My first haircut!

Today my mama took me to this place where they had videos and toy cars and motorcycles. She put me on her lap and a lady started cutting my hair. I did NOT like this! I squirmed and cried. However, she did a pretty good job and I look very handsome!

The picture on the yellow car is before the haircut. The picture on the motorcycle is after the haircut! (mama says that unfortunately, my hair was longest in back and over the ears, so the difference isn't that obvious. However, she says that I do look very handsome).

Born to be a Cubs fan!

My grandpa is a diehard Cubs fan. My mama was so excited when she saw that I got a Cubs t-shirt, she had to take a picture to show grandpa.

11 months and counting down the days!

Mama says that time is going by too fast! I was too wiggly for my 11 month picture, but I sure am much bigger than I was for the 1 month picture! I'm really looking forward to turning my car seat because my legs are scrunched up.

Friday, March 02, 2007

10 Months

Here are the 10 month pictures.

9 Months!

Mama is a bit behind! Here are the 9 month pictures. The 10th month is here and gone too! We had trouble holding still for the camera the first time, so Mama had to get a picture of me asleep. Mama gave up on the measuring tape. The doctor says I'm nearly 30 inches tall.


It's March 1st and I've started really walking. I can go all of the way from the living room to the kitchen without falling. I really only fall when I'm excited (and that camera is SO exciting!)or when I trip over my toys.

The magnetic camera

Mama and Mommy want to show how well I can walk between them, but I keep trying to walk to that strange thing that sits on three legs. It's like a magnet that draws me to it.

Hi camera!

Sometimes I have a hard time "performing" for the camera because the camera itself is so darn interesting.

Crackers n cream

Food is just fun! Mama likes letting me try new things and I like pretty much all of it! Of course, this wasn't hard to like...


Mama read me a book tonight that had flaps that I could look under. Whenever I opened one of the flaps, Mama made a funny sound that made me giggle and giggle!